Clothes biodegradability

Biodegradable Clothes

I hear this all the time that natural clothing is better or more sustainable because of biodegrades clothes. Now biodegradability is of course a great thing but this isn’t exactly true. This idea is perpetuating…
check clothing tags

Why you should always check clothing tags?

What you are wearing came from something else and it is important to know what that is. It is so crucial to check clothing tags and know what kind of fabric you are buying because…
care of fabrics

How Do I care of fabrics?

Knowing more about the care of fabrics helps you while checking your clothing tags and leads to having a sustainable wardrobe.  Care of fabrics  Acrylic knit Most acrylic knit garments can be machine-washed. Read the…
Foundation of a sustainable wardrobe

Foundation of a sustainable wardrobe

I want to discuss four areas which are considered to be the foundation of a sustainable wardrobe. The first foundation of a sustainable wardrobe is ” Wear”  The first one and I think the most…